Sunday, August 02, 2009

Happy Birthday to Finnegan!

Finnegan asked me to tell all his friends thank you for the birthday wishes. He's pretty tired because one of our former foster puppies was here all weekend and he's been doing a lot of playing with him in our backyard...Eddie is bigger than Finnegan and can run faster so he really gave him a run for his money. Mom says she's glad she has at least one wire who gets along with other dogs..not sure what THAT is supposed to mean...anywaym Finnegan had a good playmate for his birthday weekend and mom and dad bought him a present and they said there is going to be an ice cream party later...which means for today (and today only) Finnegan is my best friend! heheheh! I LOVE ice cream!!
Anyway, Finnegan is three year old today which in round about terms means he entered adulthood today. Dad says he'll still act like a little fool until he's says she doesn't care, she doesn't want him to age too quickly.
Anyway, thanks to all our friends!


Asta said...

Happy Biwfday Finnegan!!!
I'm so glad you have a gweat playmate fow youw biwfday and that all of you will get yummie ice cweams latew.
I'm going to be thwee in Sept. so we'we pwactically twins, hehe
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Finnegan! We're so glad you get to have ice cream!
Nope, don't ever grow up and get old! Staying young forever is key!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Finnegan...I'm three too...I mean also..didn't wanna confuse you said there's gonna be ice cream??? What time are ya serving?????

Happy Barkday Wishes!!!!

Barks, hugs and pawslaps...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

Princess Patches said...

Happy birthday, Finnegan! We know you had fun with your weekend playmate and we hope you enjoyed your ice cream!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

happy birthday Finnegan..
We are so glad that Cecil is doing well..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Eric said...

Happy Birthday Finnegan! Enjoy your ice cream? Any left over....I can be a good playmate...

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx