Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cecil's HOME!!

Yippee! Cecil is home and as you can see in the pictures, he has his eye! It was touch and go and the vet says he's not completely out of hte woods, but he has his eye and the best part of it all is that he can still see!!Yup! they caught it in time! Seems that the inflammation he had last week caused protein to build in his eye and it blocked some type if duct inside his eye that kept all the medications we;ve been giving him from actually getting to where they needed to go. Go, the vet went in and cleared out the protein and we pray it doesn't come back.
So he's home and he's doing pretty well! We have a lot more medications to his already long list to give him and the vet taught us how to do certain tests to help us know if something like this happens again maybe we can catch it earlier.
he goes back to the vet on Friday.
Thank you ALL so much for your prayers. I truly believe that this is what saved his eye and his vision. You all are the bestest!

Hugs- Mackie and Finnegans' Mom, Melissa


TwoSpecialWires said...

We are so happy to read this post and we'll continue to keep Cecil in our prayers. Rest, all of you. Keep the faith and we'll keep positive thoughts and best wishes coming your way. He's a strong pup. He's been through so much, and he's resilient. Typical terrier!

Wishing all the best,
Jake and Fergi

Asta said...

Oh Thank DOG!!!
We've been wowwying and pwaying and my paws have been constantly cwossed.
Huwwah Cecil!
I hope his eye keeps healing and this doesn't happen again.
Mackie, You and youw family awe the best and I know wif youw constant cawe, and the powew of the paw, all will be well
smoochie kisses

Sally said...

What wonderful news! We will keep our energies directed towards you - we are glad he still has his sight and he is not in pain - the biggest licks
Sally and Paddy

Duke said...

What awesome news! We are so glad you kept your eye and can see, Cecil! We're sending you lots of AireZen for a speedy recovery!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Crossed so tightly we can't walk..Pl2 said she feels like she is on an emotional rollercoaster so she can not imagine what your Mom is feeling!! She is the BEST Lvoe A+A