Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good News!

Cecil and I just got back from his checkup appointment and the news is good!! Yippee!!

I can hardly believe it! The pressure in his eye was 11 (anything under 15 in a glaucoma eye is good!) the pressure in the other eye was 7. I hate to even jinx it, but it looks good for him!! Oh! And the best part....he can still SEE!!! His vision isn't as good as it was immediately after his lens surgery, but it is better than going into all of this...and no telling what it will ultimately be untill all the swelling goes down.

We go back on Friday morning for his last appointment before he goes to his new home.

I can’t even begin to thank you all enough for all the prayers and support! I could never ever have done it without you all!!!!

By the way- we got 17 cards in the mail yesterday...yippee!1


Dandy Duke said...

What WONDERFUL news! We're doing happy dances here! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Cecil!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Wonderful news....now can I take off this prayer necklace thingy?


TwoSpecialWires said...

This is response to Gus's comment! NO! Leave that prayer necklace thingee on! It's working!!!!! The power of the paw and the power of this wonderful community is working (to say nothing of the power of Cecil's tenacity, his rescuer's commitment, and his new owner's love.

What good news. We want it to stay that way!

Jake and Fergi

Lacy said...

w00fs, yeahhh me hopes it continues to stay better..bout time Cecil had sum good luck...

b safe,

Asta said...

Wondewful news!!!
I am not uncwossing my paws till I get the all cleaw.
I just know all ouw love and youws and Cecil's amazing bwavewy and tewwiew moxi is getting these wesults as much as medical science.
Thank you again fow all you do.
I hope Cecil got my cawd!
smoochie kisses

William Tell said...

We are so happy for Cecil that we all three are doing our Snoopy dances!!!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Joe Stains said...

omdog what GREAT news!! we are still sending lots of healing vibes for his eyes!!

Eric said...

That is such wonderful news, I'm doing a happy jig for him! We sent him a card too this wek - hope it arrives before too long.

Wiry love and kisses to you and your leggeds Mackie. Eric xxxx