Cecil's Glaucoma Surgery
Mackie's mom here again. I;ve asked Mackie to let me blog for a bit because I'm a faster typer heheheh! Anyway, since our last post,we had to leave Cecil at the emergency clinic last night and the vet called in the morning to say that his pressure was down to 20 but that he was going to need glaucoma surgery and right then to save his eye. The costly surgery was an additional $1800 and Cecil's new mommy (Cathy) and new Aunt Judy agreed to pay it. Can you imagine that? They haven't even met Cecil yet. This boy really has an angel on his shoulder.
Anyway, Dr. Hyman called just called us to say that Cecil is doing well after his glaucoma surgery. She said he has a lot of inflammation but it is still within range of what she'd expect to see. She said immediately after the surgery, his pressure was 11 and now it is 4 which is low, but again she said it is within the boundries of what she'd expect with all the inflammation he has.
I asked about his vision and she said that she can't tell at this point but that since he went into surgery with vision, she has no reason that he wouldn't have it now..
So, I guess the news isn't stellar, but no bad news at least. He won't come him until Saturday. Now we just need the inflammation to stay in check and for infection to stay out.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. You have no idea what it has meant to me...and I've been telling Cecil that he has a fan club of serious prayers!
Melissa with Mackie, Finnegan, Ollie and of course, our baby boy, Cecil.
Now this is MUCH better news! We certainly won't uncross our paws (for a long long time, if ever), but we do breathe a bit of a sigh of relief. This has been a true example of the specialness and treasure of rescue and adoption. Cecil has had many many angels on his shoulders, and we want to thank them all. PLEASE let Cecil's new family know how much we love him and pray for him and them. And if it weren't for your family, Mackie, Cecil wouldn't be as far along as he is. What a blessing. Multiple blessings.
We'll go to sleep tonight with many prayers for comfort, healing, peace, confidence, trust and faith.
Jake and Fergi and family
w00fs, bless his heart, he deserves a break...hope all goes well and he gets to go home soon..
b safe,
Thank you fow that update. I'm pawsitive that the news will be good..happy,pawsitive ,stubbown tewwiew thought awe being sent youw way.
Cecil has soo many angels.he cewtainly found one in you and it makes me want to cwy to think that he has found one in his new Mommi too
heling smoochie kisses and love to all
Cecil's new mom and Aunt Judy are wonderful peeps and love him already!
More AireZen coming your way, buddy! Hang in there!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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