Saturday, May 03, 2008

We are down to three!

Many of you have been asking about how the puppies are...well we are currently one less. Edgar, now Eddie went to his new forever home last weekend. His new family are wft experienced and he even has a wft brother named Corky who is a nice guy.

We still have Basil-

And we still have Archie

And we still have Ike

Aren't they just the cutest?? Mom says even though she really loves them, she is pretty tired and is looking forward to them all finding their forever homes. I'll be pretty glad too---ever since they've come, mom hardly has time t sit around with me and love on me and stuff. Hope this ends soon!!

By the way, Mike's Mom from NY--when you posted before, my mom doesn't get an email address for you...can you send it to her please? Just email mom at

Mom and Dad took Finney and Ollie to a dog walk today and left me at home saying something to the effect that I "don't get along well with other dogs"- no that is ridiculous! I do's just I get a bit upset when one comes near me...or acts silly near me...or stands near me, or mom, or dad...but other than that, they are okay...or not...anyway, Finney got a microchip and mom said he cried (I didn't cry when I got mine..heheheh!) but I guess this means that if Finnegan gets lost, we'll get him back one way or another...geez, and all this time I was holding out hope! hahahah!


Gus said...


We love the puppy pix, but muzzer is worried about YOU, my spiritual twin. Are you joining the substantial wire club that Jackson has started?


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh those pups are the cutest ever!!! they left ya at home...well, I don't like being sniffed, nuzzled or looked at by strange doggies...and I might snap and growl a a lot...but...that doesn't mean we don't get along...we're just er sensitive...that's it...sensitive...

So glad ur findin' good homes for the pups!!!


Duke said...

We're so glad to hear that Eddie got his forever home, Mackie! Our paws are crossed that all the pups do so you get all the lovin' from your mom that you so truly deserve!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Substantial Wires' Club said...

Hey Mackie, Erm I think we have a lot in common! I don't like other dogs much, especially when they play near me. I just get a bit cross and bark and bark and bark. They never listen. Sigh. Jx

Harry said...

The pups are cute, but I can only imagine the horror of that many sets of pupy teeth!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Agatha and Archie said...

Yes we want to know how your ears are too we are very worried..Now as for that pup named Archie we must say there is a striking resemblance. Does he HOWL and CRY when you separate him from his littermates??That's how we got Archie..Our Archie.PL2 says she would love to take Archie but then she would have to kill herself....(or PL1 would kill her) Love A+A

Princess Patches said...

We're very glad one of the pups has found his furever home! We hope the rest of them do too, so you can get back to being loved on all the time!

Poppy & Penny

William Tell said...

Hurray for Edgar! We're happy he's got a nice home now.

I was a big boy when I got microchipped, but Cap cried. Then he got lots of loving. Hmmm...maybe there's something to this?

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Urban Smoothie Read said...

they are some lovely pups...i'm sure good homes are awaiting them somewhere...

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Wow I had to shield the computer from my Mom or she'd be signing up for all of them!

Yes big guy, how are your ears? Me wants to know and we want to know what your Mom did about them please. Please.

Bussie Kissies

Asta said...

I hope you get all the me time wif youw paents soon..Mommi wants Basil in the wowst way, but Daddi says we can't affowd anothew doggie..I would love to have a bwuvvew to play wif, being an only child is not all it's cwacked up to be
smoochi ekisses

Asta Marie said... happy to hear that one of your puppies has found a forever home....three to go, no wonder your Mom is tired....our Mom has her hands full with the 3 of us....hope those ears are better now...hope you get to go on the next outing.

Asta Marie, WFT

Eric said...

Hey Mackie,

I've been looking for my square doggie cousins all over so came over to wag with you and hey, there are a whole bunch of you!! Pawsome! Totally!Hope we can be pals . . .

Glad your 2 leggededs saved the pups but what a bad things those other hoomans did huh?

Being an only pup my self I can 'preciate how you need the loving and snackies you are rightly owed so hope the pups get good loving homes soon.

Wiry Wags, Eric Square Dog