Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Move over Snoopy!

That's right! Move over Snoopy...us WFT's are taking over and we are starting in the air!!

Meet Stanley, he is a four month old wire fox terrier who lives in Leigh, Essex, England and he loves to go for "walks" in his miniature Spitfire.

Apparently Stanley's family, Phil and Sharon Cook made the miniature plane for a Halloween party and Stanley loved it! Mrs Cook said: 'Stanley loves it. We decided to go for a Spitfire as a nod towards Remembrance Day. 'He is content to sit in the cockpit and watch the world go by.'

He's all dressed up and ready to go too, with his bomber jacket, goggles and hat- wouldn't you say? How dapper!

(note from mom: I am amazed daily by the antics of these little fox terriers!! How they LOVE life and go at it with everything they've got! What an amazing breed of dog---and how comical they all are too!!)

That's right mom! We are amazing and Stanley is only 4-months old...wait till he get's a little more opportunities to astound to world!!! hehehe!


Anonymous said...

Cool! Does Stanley have a blog?


Koobuss said...

Little Stanley is gorgeous and makes a great looking pilot! Wait till he finally gets off the ground! Look out, world!!

Welcome, Stanley. You are a sweetheart!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Gus said...

love Stanley's plane! Can we get him to blog yet, or is four months too young.

Headgirl said...

Excellent - can Stanley give you both a ligt to my Halloween graveyard bash!

Pats & pets

Dean-O! said...

Way cool!

Asta said...

Hi Mackie
I saw this this mowning and wondewed why my pawents awent this clevew! That is the absolute best! stanley the tewwiew looks so adowable we want to wun ovew and mosh him
hope you'we having a gweat day

Duke said...

OMG! How adorable is this little Stanley! He's just too cute, Mackie! Thanks for sharing!

Love ya lots,

William Tell said...

Yes, we are the most comical clowns of the dog world (that's why we're so popular in circus acts). It's in our blood. We can't help ourselves! And you can tell by that little guys expression, he knows he's the center of attention and lovin' it!

William Tell

Joe Stains said...

woah this is soo cool, I sure wish I had a plane! Mom really loves WFTs now!

Harry said...

He's adorable! I very much like his plane, I'd need a slightly larger one myself though...

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

nice to meet stanley boy..he's definately a cool pilot

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We want one!!!!! Tell Stanley to get a blog...we could use his transportation services! I am now 8 months old, and can certainly fly a small plane of that size if he needs any help!!

Gotta go snap at Scruffy...he's gettin' way to close to my dingo...

Stanley said...

Hi there,my name is Stanley,and I seem to have caused quite a media rumble!It only started out as a bit of fun for a 'dog fancy dress'party at my local grooming parlour VANITY FUR,I won 1st place,and have appeared in The Sun,Telegraph,Daily Express&Metro newspapers,been on Anglia TV,signed a deal with 'Real People'magazine,and going on live TV Monday 5th Nov on "This Morning" on ITV.The world has gone barking mad.My owners are Phil&Sharon,who are really great to me,will write again soon,Stanley.

Stanley said...

WOW!! Thanks for all your kind words,I can't believe its reached as far as the USA.
Love from,

Agatha and Archie said...

Is this the funniest hting!!! WE love this kid! :pve A+A

Asta said...

If you evew wite to Stanley the WFT..tell him we would all love fow him to join ouw fabulous DWB club
the mow foxies the bettew!!
hope you'we having a gweat weekend!
smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh My, little Stanley sure is a cutie and a pilot too. that's pawsome

~ Girl girl

Murphey said...

WOW~! that is totally pawsome, although I prefer to run, er, walk myself.


COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Hello. We found your blog, and wanted to say hi.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Poker friday nite...girls are allowed...GRRRRRR not my decision!