Friday, March 16, 2007

Finnegan, Begin-Again!!

Sorry I have been away from my bloggin' duties but I've been so busy! Thigs have really changed around here and I'm starting to understand what poor Miss Sunshade has been going through with went and did it...I told her not too....I begged her not to, but she did anyway...I have a new brother....
Everyone, meet Finnegan! I call him Finnegan Begin-Again!! He's a 7 month old WFT puppy that mom took in last week. Finnegan's name was Cheddar, but mom decided to change it, kinda like she did with my name when I came to live here. I used to be Buddy, but mom renamed me MacInturff after friends of her's and decided to call me Mackie. Anyway, back to ol'Finnegan. He's a complete fool! He runs and plays with no abandon! He does all kinds of things mom tells him not to do like climbing inside of the dishwasher, knocking over the trashcan, grabbing shoes and running off with them and I could keep going on and on...boy does mom have her hands full, and I do too! This little fella needs a big brother to teach him the ropes and to remind him of all the things other dogs (like me and Ollie) just won't put up with like jumping on our backs, stealing our toys, humping us and most importantly getting love from mom. That is a real no, no. Other than those things, we all get along well! He can be fun, I guess. He likes to play in the backyard and no I have someone else to blame for my stinkies!!!heheheh!
So, now you see why I haven't been around much. I have a full time job....urgh, mom. Don't you think she should have gotten my permission first? : )


Bogart H. Devil said...

Awwwwwwwww.... your new little brother is ADORABLE! I can see why you've been busy, but we miss you Mackie! Tell your mom she has to get her priorities straight... dog blogging first, work later (I know, I'm still trying to train my mom on this too...)

Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures with little Finn...


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hello Mackie, what's it like having another brother? I know that J1 would like a sister for me but she knows that I wouldn't like it. I like being the big cheese and I don't believe in sharing! J x

Duke said...

Finnegan is a doll!!! I'm so happy you have a live-in playmate! Promise you'll blog lots so we can keep up with your daily adventures!

Love ya lots,

Duke said...

Finnegan is a major cutie! I'm so glad you have a forever playmate! Promise us you'll blog lots so we can hear all of your daily adventures!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

I am so glad you are back! I was beginning to worry! BUT a doofus has landed at your house!! He sure is a cute doofus, though.

Gus said...

Mackie: Finnegan is cute, but he is not the brother of my heart like you are. Tell your mom she must be more faithful about your blog, cause I miss you when you are gone.

worn out from trying to solve muzzer's technical problems

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Hey Mackie!
Brothers are great! You can teach them all kinds of bad things! That way, YOU can do the bad things and Finnegan can take the blame for them! I wish I had a little brother!

Sunshade said...

Dearest Mackie,

I think it's time for us to move out together and live together!!!! Our moms just DON'T UNDERSTAND.....

I totally understand the no giving love to mum, STINKY's head has been inside of my mouth a few times for kissing and biting MY mum.

You keep Finnegan in order, maybe one day, I'll send you STINKY so you can teach him a thing or two about being a good, handsome boy like you are!!

All my love,
Miss Sunshade

Romeo said...

Wow Mackie,
Finn is as cute as I am. That's saying something. Treat your little brother well we little brothers deserve it! Tell Finn the best shoes are slippers! I've gone through two pairs of my moms & grandmoms. HEHE


Freda said...

Hey Mackie, Ollie, and now Finnegan, (Begin-Again...I like it)

First, welcome to your new family, Finnegan. (Great name for the big Green Day.) Bet you're gonna have a great times. I now you will hold your own with your one twos one twos (two) brothers. It's sooo cooools to meets you. You're sooo cute!

And thanks for signin' my photos guestbook. Neatos!


Freda (Ƨ)

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, seems like you definitely have your paws full. Even though they sound like they can be a pain sometimes, I reckon having a little bro or sis would be pretty cool.

Oscar x

L said...


Little brothers can be fun, but they can also be pests. I didn't like Comet and first, but I learned I can blame things on him now. hehehehe.

Luckie Girl said...

Hiya Mackie,
I'm sure you'll make a good brother and take care of Little Finn!
PS : My Mom always procastinates and I have to remind her that it's time to BLOG!!

Hammer said...

Hello Mackie

Your new little mate Finnegan sure is a cutie. You'll have to teach him the ropes though he looks cheeky so he might not listen.

Have fun with your new brother

Love from Hammer

Murphey said...

I'll just bet you are busy, we young pups can fill up the time so easy. I love shoes too!

Have fun with Finnegan!

Murph the Dog

Headgirl said...

What an adorable little brother!
I'm sure you'll be a good calming influence on him.... And you can blame him for everything.... not that a honest boy like you would!

Fu Fu said...

Hey Mackie, you got a new baby brother too?? Little Finnegan Begin-Again looks cute. Hope you 2 get along well. :)

~ fufu

Boo Casanova said...

oh, maggie got a brother and you got a brother too. me soon gonna have my own big brother. i'm not sure how i feel about a new sibling tho.

wet wet licks


The Airechicks said...


Something must be in the air...everyone seems to be getting a new BROTHER....

Your new brother Finnegan is very cute....teach him well...

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hahahaha poor Mackie....I hate having anothre dog around....

Bussie Kissies

Wee Wiggly WFT said...

Hey, Pal!!!
Congratulations on your new baby brother! Mom "ooohed" and "awwwed" all over the place when she saw your page. Geesh. Women. Anyway, it's been nuttso here, too, so I'm sorry I haven't been by to say "hi" for a while. Hope everything is settling down for you now and that you are enjoying your time with Finnegan (Begin-Again)! We thought of you today and chuckled when we were reading the WFT article in DogFancy that said wires were good with other dogs such as herding breeds. Heh-heh! Bet they didn't ask you, did they, Mackie? LOL! Take care!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Mackie,
Your new lil' bro looks like a real charmer! Now it's up to you to train him and show him who's the boss!

Dean-O! said...

Lucky Mackie! Now you have TWO bros. sure wish that we could squeeze another dog in here, but the Dog Mother claims that one wire is equal to 3 regular dogs.

(I think she needs a math lesson.)

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Hey Mack,
I know you'll show little Finn the ropes! When I went to live with my people at age 2 months, I did all sorts of naughty stuff and then when I stayed with the Figgs, their 4 Cairn terriers showed me how to behave like a big girl.
Your mate down under, Asta

Dean-O! said...

Next thing you know, that Finnegan will be publishing his own blog!

Anyway, I want to welcome the little guy to his new home, so have sent you the Exact Same Toy that I got months ago, and yet still lives...

Even though I have my own, I wanted to give it a good slobber before sending off, so persuaded La Maudite to kick it down from the top of the armoire. (Gotta make the cat useful, y’know.)

I am sure that you will share with the Finn...Enjoy!