Saturday, March 12, 2011

Piper is home!

Piper is home! Can you even believe it? Ah, the power of prayer!

some words from Cheryl---

I am happy to say my Girl is back home. Doesnt that sound amazing? I never thought I would be able to say that.!!!!!! Piper is very happy to be back home. She wagged her tail non stop, checked out all of the crates. Ran in the house so excited.Greeted me with tail wags and kisses. She was happy to see us. She found her crate she used here before ran in circled laid down then came back out. I know she knows she is home.She has lost weight. She has some bite wounds but they are healing. Her nose is really sore. She is very hungry. Doesnt want to go outside. I think she is going to be fine in time. I am So Happy she remembers me, the house and feels secure. Its really amazing and wonderful to hug this little dog again. I really wasn't sure I would ever get the chance I hope everyone knows how grateful I am for all of the help Hugs Piper and Cheryl

Just amazing! Poor little Piper doesn't want to go outside. She probably never wants to see the outside again. Thank God for everyone who played a part in getting this girl back home.


Asta said...

Thank Dog and all you angels who helped this sweet little giwl get home and heal.
Hew bwavewy and tewwiew will awe amazing. Pipew. Stay inside and get well and keep wagging that bootiful tail and giving and getting kisses.I am doing a vewy big happy dance.
You awe still in my pwayews and thoughts.
Smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi

Duke said...

We are doing happy dances and drying our tears at the same time, Piper! We are so happy for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Peggy Flyte said...

I am glad Piper is back home with you too, Cheryl. It's heartwarming to hear that she wagged her tail when she saw you, the other dogs, and her crate. I'm not surprised she doesn't want to go outside after imagining what she endured. I know you will keep her close and safe. Piper is truly a special girl that has the love and support of many of us who have not even had the joy of meeting her. I don't know if you've ever had a mascot to represent Wire Fox Terrier Rescue, but I would vote for Piper in a heartbeat. Give Piper a gentle hug for me.

Adelene Smith said...

Great feeling to read this incredible story!